
We can provide Security Subject Matter Experts, run programmes and projects or provide Quality Assurance.
Close Protection of Senior Executives in hostile environments and training on how to deal with a hostage situation.  Furthermore, we also train staff to prepare them for working in long term engagements in hostile environments.
Security with Aerospace and Defence is a leading edge capability. Protection of IP from disgruntled employees or corporate of government sponsored espionage is a major issue that constantly needs to be monitored and addressed.

The XyloSys team moves in the right circles to stay up to date with the latest technology and architectural solutions to minimise the risk, yet stay agile to respond to the evolving threats and innovative attack vectors.

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Popular work involves penetration tests on offices and data centres.  Security assessments and management of events and Technical Counter Surveillance Measure (bug sweeping) before sensitive information is discussed in new premises.
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We perform vulnerability and risk assessments in order to reduce the risk on physical and cyber security
On large change projects, we can provide security architecture and cyber quality assurance
We perform vulnerability and risk assessments in order to reduce the risk on physical and cyber security
Protection of goods and the safety of staff are paramount for continued business operations and to lower insurance premiums.  We can advise on the best practice to secure your goods and also perform Health and Safety assessments to not only tick the boxes from a regulatory viewpoint but reduce the chance of serious accidents.
Protection of goods and the safety of staff are paramount for continued business operations and to lower insurance premiums.  We can advise on the best practice to secure your goods and also perform Health and Safety assessments to not only tick the boxes from a regulatory viewpoint but reduce the chance of serious accidents.
Protection of goods are paramount for continued business operations and to lower insurance premiums.  We can advise on the best practice to secure your goods.

For e-commerce, we can advise on the latest technology and architecture to counter cyber threats.

The Transport industry has many security challenges.  The terrorist attacks in New York and London highlighted the challenges of communicating in the situation areas due to premises being underground and the sheer volume of information that needed to be communicated.

Furthermore, by definition, transport means that key agents are spread apart geographically and are moving further complicating tracking and communication.

Security is therefore a considerable challenge with a balance between the safety of passengers and the ease of use and avoidance of business interruption.

We can perform risk assessments and advise on the latest technology and operating models to counter physical and cyber threats.